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Routine: In starting, the packet of papers is removed from the pocket and two are taken, the packet being replaced. Buy Louis Vuitton Jorn. But then the performer asks the spectator if he thinks that the performer knew what his card was going to be before the performance ever started. The secret is merely that the performer is reading the pencil, and staying one ahead, or one behind would be a better way of expressing it. Buy Louis Vuitton Jorn. Give him a piece of paper and ask him to write on it one single item of food he had for dinner the night before. It's an easy matter, then, to steal a glance at the prepared list as you open your note book to jot down your written word. Buy Louis Vuitton Jorn. Guard its secret carefully, practice it till you have it down perfectly, and you'll have as stunning a trick as you'll ever find.

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