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Pick up the slate from the table, leaving the flap behind, and as the writing looks the same, all is well and you can be as open and free with this prepared slate as you like. Cheap Louis Vuitton Moccasins. He finds a direct answer written on one of the flaps which he may show to everyone as both flaps will, of course, bear minute examination. Now the spectator selects another as before, and without looking at it, the performer pushes it face down into envelope between the two already there. Cheap Louis Vuitton Moccasins. For instance, an assistant's help in the opening minutes to set the envelopes, while the performer does one or two psychic tests, accustoms the audience to the assistant's presence. They have no time to add, and, after all, they are mainly interested in their own individual row of figures. Cheap Louis Vuitton Moccasins. Mentally add up these numbers, and then look up that (total) number on your key list.

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