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This is handed to the spectator while the left hand pockets the tip and the other pellet as the performer walks away. Cheap Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags. However, Reese really would make six slips and retain one, folded once in each direction, as a dummy for his own use. Performer being back to the front, does not have to go into the crowd again, and the slip left with them can be passed around. Cheap Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags. That’s the reason why you handed the bill to someone you’re sure never had a chance to look at it (this is an intentionally nonsensical explanation). Hand the book to a spectator, ask him to select someone else to assist and the two of them step up to the table. Cheap Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags. I repeat that this must be practiced until it can be done while never looking at hand in any way.

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