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Make the downstrokes of all "E's" slightly curved—also the "L" of the word "total. Louis Vuitton Bag Made In China. He finishes and your right hand comes up to gather the cards, dropping the palmed ones on top. From here on follow the routine as already described, pocketing the envelope just after you snap off the green light and before the house lights are turned on. Louis Vuitton Bag Made In China. In that bible for mentalists and magicians live effects that will be performed for many years to come. The potassium loaded flash paper pieces will float on the surface of the water for about twenty seconds, and then will burst into a grand flame—and they're gone! Louis Vuitton Bag Made In China. Ask him to do the same with each succeeding slip, but when he arrives at the last or bottom strip ask him to write the name of a dead friend.

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