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Square the cards in your left hand, cut at the bridge and move the top packet (new) of six downward a half inch, as in Figure No. Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Canvas Rem Bag. When you have finished, direct attention to the person holding your slip as you crumple up the dummy and pocket it. The packet is returned to the pocket and on the blank slip the performer writes the date that he has just read. Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Canvas Rem Bag. Whatever the victim holds out is divided by two and the resultant number of fingers used by the confederate the next time. Once you've gotten acquainted with the setup of moves you'll have an impromptu stunt that is psychologically perfect. Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Canvas Rem Bag. The eleventh envelope is already sealed and has within it a want ad, of which you have made a copy (lightly) on your pad or slate.

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