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When Tape the spectator reaches into the bag, Table they are actually reaching into the Helium back section. Louis Vuitton Daniel MM Replica. But, a helper, an assistant, can, unnoticed, return writing after writing to the owners while the performer, who is the center of attraction, carries on his work without a slackening of interest. You then idly touch them with a cigarette, one after the other, one suddenly flaring up and vanishing. Louis Vuitton Daniel MM Replica. After due concentration, the performer, although he has never left the corner of the room, successfully spells out the name in question! The ball has been placed into the glass and when the routine begins the glass and ball are sitting in the center. Louis Vuitton Daniel MM Replica. Now the performer passes to the lady holding the second dead name and from here on the effect and working is the same as described in the Dead Name Test included in the routine.

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