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The other fingers are kept open and, in this way, the single sheet of tissue can be shown freely on both sides and against a light. Louis Vuitton Eugenie Wallet Replica. This is easily accomplished by tilting the head all the way forward when putting them on. The performer next touches the subject's forehead and announces his favorite breakfast food. Louis Vuitton Eugenie Wallet Replica. Herbert Brooks was in the United States featuring the effect of producing any card called for from his pocket, after shuffling a deck, cutting it in two halves and placing a half in each trouser pocket. Two spectators count down to a number mutually agreed upon and note the cards arrived at. Louis Vuitton Eugenie Wallet Replica. The card indexes were themselves too big for paper billets, and while the initial use of indexes did not hide the fact that one was getting something from his pocket, the use of such gadgets for secretly obtaining paper billets entailed too much fumbling for the misdirection possible in a mental effect.

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