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Upon 52 pieces of paper, 2 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches square, are written the names of the cards in a deck. Louis Vuitton Handbag Suhali Leather. On this slip is written, in green ink, "The Card you selected was the Ace of Hearts. Your fingers cover the cut out front, which is against your palm, while your right fingers turn down the flap and hold the envelope open to make it easy for the spectator to insert the card. Louis Vuitton Handbag Suhali Leather. Request the person to think for a moment of a relative or friend who is not living. Each is asked to pick out an ad and put it in the envelope without looking at it, as you are trying a test of clairvoyance and do not want to get any telepathy mixed in. Louis Vuitton Handbag Suhali Leather. He folds it as before, you take it from him, at the same time handing him another slip, and this time he writes another living name.

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