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Taking the dead slip from the lady and asking her initials, the slip is exchanged and the initialed blank left with another spectator. Louis Vuitton High Quality Replica Handbag. Fold it so that it matches the dummy slip which you have palmed in your left hand, telling the spectator to do the same with his page which is laying on the table. The performer walks to a far corner of the room and asks the spectator to think of any "horror" word, then to look the cards over and pick up those cards that bear that particular word. Louis Vuitton High Quality Replica Handbag. Another envelope is opened and the article once more seemingly gives a clue regarding the characteristics of the owner. The followup with the drawings will throw the audience right off the scent, and they will remember this number long after they have forgotten more intricate tricks. Louis Vuitton High Quality Replica Handbag. The business card with all the numbers and letters is now handed to one of the audience, and that favored gentleman is formally invited to act as secretary for the remainder of the performance.

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