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Picking up the second slate and chalk the performer says that he will draw something at the same time, and that spectator is to hold his slate so there can be no peeking, and so that the performer cannot follow his motions. Louis Vuitton Large Handbag For Women. As you look at the sketches, the two loaded papers go into the back and middle compartments. As he does so, you turn over the stack of envelopes in your hand, and pick off the top one and give it to him, asking him to seal up his cards. Louis Vuitton Large Handbag For Women. The stolen slip was dropped into his lap and opened with the left hand while, with his right, he'd make marks on a sheet of paper on the table. While tapping, turn the packet of envelopes over in your left hand and then replace the tapped envelope on it as you fold it and seal it. Louis Vuitton Large Handbag For Women. After you have mastered this simple move, you are ready to try the first method of switching.

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