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One who made the art of stage card manipulation something to be attained by his followers. Louis Vuitton Mahina XS Replica. The mark on the envelope is identified first, then the envelope is opened and the card withdrawn. If, for instance, the forced name is 36th down from the top, you force a three and a six. Louis Vuitton Mahina XS Replica. The right hand at this point can take the in view pellet and the left thumb holds palmed paper in place while finger curls a little and it is secured. When apparently removing the top page your thumb catches the corner of the page underneath, due to the fact that the same corner of the top sheet has been cut away. Louis Vuitton Mahina XS Replica. Fold and pretend to put behind hat as before, but this time keep it in fingers and reach right into hat and bring this same piece of paper out again.

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