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Any long decorative pin, such as a corsage pin, will do very nicely, and the fact that it may be borrowed on the spot makes everything look very impromptu. Louis Vuitton Mens Replica Bags. It is more of a 'grown up' phase of magic and mystery, and there seems to be a greater element of wonder when the performer can reveal unknown knowledge or something personal about the members of his audience. With the glasses on it’s the perfect time to leer at your audience and make suggestive remarks about being able to see through clothing -but you won’t because you’re better than that. Louis Vuitton Mens Replica Bags. This total may be noted in pencil on the frame of the slate, so that you will not forget it. Nothing has been told the performer and, although he has no idea of the numbers arrived at with the dice, he correctly calls out the letters which make up the selected word. Louis Vuitton Mens Replica Bags. Whoever offers one is given half of your card on which to write a single word or name, and is then instructed to insert the card into the case and snap it shut.

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