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If the name is upside down it doesn't matter, because you still have to bring the envelope to your head and it can then be turned around in your hands while you ask the person to think intently of the name. Louis Vuitton Replica Bags Website. You can scale these up to the size card you want, then copy them in black drawing ink, or have an artist prepare them for you. The performer can walk into any room or club and immediately start and continue for half an hour with striking tests that will be remembered. Louis Vuitton Replica Bags Website. The strength of the Magician’s Insurance Policy effect (where the magician screws up a card trick and pulls out an insurance policy with a giant version of the card) isn’t the prop of the Insurance Policy. Your right hand now takes the torn pieces from the left finger tips, with the exception of the torn center which is being held under the ball of the left thumb, and crumples them up and drops them in a nearby ashtray. Louis Vuitton Replica Bags Website. Effect: The set of illustrated cards is freely shown to consist of 32 different and simple ideas.

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