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Returning to cup, the performer has someone else stand, and then turns his back after giving them the cup to hold. Louis Vuitton Replica Handbag. If you have been using the cards before this, you can have the three proper cards already on top. Taking it the performer gets a glimpse of it as he pushes this also face down into envelope beneath the two already there. Louis Vuitton Replica Handbag. And he may even have the box proper passed to various front row observers for each choice, merely telling them to take any one of a color not yet chosen. During such a switch, the hand is not held still and you are not doing a trick to switch papers, remember that! Louis Vuitton Replica Handbag. At this point the two slips are again taken in left thumb and second finger and the slip nearest you on which thumb now rests is drawn back into palm as left hand with back upwards hands the visible and switched slip to owner.

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