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The people holding the straws are invited to stand up and take aim at the magician’s head. Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags Online. Hand the spectator a slate and a piece of chalk and ask him to step to one comer of the room. If the moves are fitted to the patter, given here in Germain's words, and presented with evident sincerity, the trick takes on an aura of great significance. Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags Online. On this second slip the spectator writes down some particular year, for instance, some year in which he and the dead party were closely connected, or perhaps his birth year or year of death. Now take another folded billet and open it at fingertips of both hands just as would be normally done. Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags Online. However, I'll call out the letters as I get them, and you cross them off as I call them.

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