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When the spectator reached the card he was counting to, he withdrew it and showed it to all. Louis Vuitton Replicas Cheap. You take back the pencil and card and pretend to write something on the card, but actually you write nothing. Now carelessly tilt the flaps again so that the dummy message is again visible, reach for your pocket handkerchief and clean off the dummy message. Louis Vuitton Replicas Cheap. The tape used is 1/2 inch wide and, if your box is of the same dimensions as mine, 40 inches long. Have the person holding the paper pellets select one and write some short question on it. Louis Vuitton Replicas Cheap. This is given to a party seated a little distance away and, as the performer returns, his left hand drops to his pocket and the date paper is folded, pushed into the tip and the left hand comes out with the thumb wearing the tip.

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