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As you ask if he cut at any point he wished, the misdirection allows you to turn over the packet in your hand and then the top five are taken. Louis Vuitton Stephen Replica. Merely open it and drop the envelopes in, getting the information at the same time. Approaching with the stack of envelopes in the left hand (hold them from above with the thumb and fingers at the sides, and with flap ends outward) you slide the card to the edge of the table and shove it into the window envelope. Louis Vuitton Stephen Replica. Holding it so the volunteer can see, he unfolds it to reveal that it is in fact the signed pellet. Mentally add up these numbers, and then look up that (total) number on your key list. Louis Vuitton Stephen Replica. However, you watch for the card you first noted, and the one directly behind it is the card the second man chose!

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