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The performer looks surprised, remarking that this is the first time the message hasn't been completed correctly by the spirits. Louis Vuitton Vintage Replica. Effect: A prominent spectator is asked to think of some friend of his who has passed on, and to write that person's name on a card which is sealed in an envelope. Each triplet consists of two cards hinged together at one end, the face card of the pair being shorter than the rear card, and in between is a single loose short card. Louis Vuitton Vintage Replica. A bit of Voodoo ceremony used to impress ignorant souls that the incantating and muchly overdressed native Witch Doctor is really possessed of powers beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. Eight times out of ten, the person called will call back to find out what it is all about, and naturally learns about you being an unusual person, which is an ad in itself. Louis Vuitton Vintage Replica. Obviously, the performer cannot return each question envelope and card as answered.

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