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Second Method: In this method the only difference is that the carbon copy is burned by the spectator, while the original page is found in the envelopes. Replica Louis Vuitton Buy. A cellophane wrapper is removed from a cigar and the cigar is placed into the glass tumbler. As you swing left and the wire comes loose, pick up the slates with your right hand and drop the wire on the table. Replica Louis Vuitton Buy. The assistant returns, and has the window envelope on top of all with the open side up and turned correctly. You have to do it all without looking at your hands and never up in the air as though you were catching something, but naturally in front of you at waist level. Replica Louis Vuitton Buy. While the paper pieces are burning, the performer introduces four silicate flaps, about four inches by five inches, which he shows to be blank.

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