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After the spectator had finished separating the cards and had turned the two piles face down, he was asked to pick one up. Replica Louis Vuitton Handbag Under 300. No matter how much you shake the open envelope, this second ad cannot become dislodged. Bring out the envelope wrapped in the black handkerchief and hold it in your hand. Replica Louis Vuitton Handbag Under 300. Ask him to draw, as well as he can, a picture outline of the card he selected and that you will try to get a thought wave of it and draw it too. The second spectator receives the deck, face down, on his left hand; pulls a bunch of cards from the center, notes the face card and drops the packet on top. Replica Louis Vuitton Handbag Under 300. He was a famous trickster and knew all about the chicaneries of magical performers.

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