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The sitter (who doesn't sit in this test) is handed a sheet of note paper and a letter envelope. Replica Louis Vuitton Shoes For Women. Trim the sides, top and bottom of envelopes 2 and 3 keeping only the address sides. As you ask if he cut at any point he wished, the misdirection allows you to turn over the packet in your hand and then the top five are taken. Replica Louis Vuitton Shoes For Women. Now tilt your right hand so that the bent fingertips face to your left, which will bring the pin into a vertical position directly in front of you with its point straight up. At this point, you apparently think of the table covering, and your left hand pushes the slate on the table to one side a bit, and pulls off the cloth by grasping it at the center of the side nearest you. Replica Louis Vuitton Shoes For Women. In one envelope is placed a blank card such as will be used by the sitter for writing a message.

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