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That’s the reason why you handed the bill to someone you’re sure never had a chance to look at it (this is an intentionally nonsensical explanation). Replica Louis Vuitton Totally PM. As you make this shuffle, you explain several times that you want the spectator to have an absolutely free selection of a card. If he picked up the other pile, he was asked to put it in his pocket for the moment so that it couldn't be tampered with. Replica Louis Vuitton Totally PM. Then cut the list into strips remembering that their number values run from 3 through 18. To look at them the first time, the top one is slid off with right hand but nothing has been written on the upper side of lower slate, so the piece slid off is replaced, but goes below the left hand piece this time. Replica Louis Vuitton Totally PM. Thus the assistant has selected and marked a card, and also has selected a number.

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