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First secure your assistant from audience, and pick someone who has a pleasant look and has been evidently enjoying the performance throughout. Replica Louis Vuitton Trainers. Returning to cup, the performer has someone else stand, and then turns his back after giving them the cup to hold. Before the performance, put six or eight drops of muriatic acid in the glass (the same one used for the opening) and swish it around a bit. Replica Louis Vuitton Trainers. Four people each think of a three-digit number and the performer looks at each in turn and writes something on his slate, without letting anyone see it. At this time it is good policy to ask for the name slip, and taking it in left fingers hold it in view while revealing name. Replica Louis Vuitton Trainers. Drop the box into your pocket and go on with the trick, but later take out an unprepared box with four loose dice and leave it on the table.

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