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The second level (Priority 2) is presented by the right hand, which holds the packet and from which the cards are taken. Copies Hermes Handbags. This impression is strengthened by keeping the right hand stationary throughout the procedure, moving only the left hand away with the cards to be displayed held forward and to the left. A Direct Exchange of the X-exil'd for the Two of Spades This category encompasses all the techniques in wl\ich the X-card is secretly exchanged for the force card. Copies Hermes Handbags. Closely inspect all the linkages between the swashplate and the head to ensure that there's no binding in any extreme position. The timing and misdirection used here are identical to those described in the technical explanation of the top change. Copies Hermes Handbags. Give no thought to controlling a card; just concentrate on straightening out an accidentally reversed card.

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