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Final Note Of course, the deck can be false shuffled chapter and tabled false cuts from Chap-and false cut between each Ace produc- ter 25 (in Volume 2), since these leave the tion. Hermes Bag Most Popular. Place the tip of the right middle finger against the outer left comer of the card at the face of the upper packet About one third of the outer phalanx of this finger should lie inside the gap. Finally, again with the left hand, cut all the cards below the break to the top and square the deck Once again the Seven of Hearts is on top while the relative order of the cards has been preserved. Hermes Bag Most Popular. To create it I have simplified the handling of a trick titled “The Seventh Son” in Hugard and Braue’s Expert Card Technique. Perhaps you will want to move the right hand’s packet slightly inward; this is acceptable at the beginning, if it gives you more self-confidence, but decrease the motion as you progress, until it vanishes completely. Hermes Bag Most Popular. Simultaneously, with your left hand, pivot the top card of Packet Two face up onto Packet One.

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