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In this case, altitude is your friend, because it will give you more time to recover if you need it; but don't go too high, or you might lose orientation with the helicopter. Hermes Kelly Price List. Before we get into the actual setup and practice, we need to discuss some theory and make a few preparations. Because your engine is probably rather rich with our initial setting, bring the throttle back to idle, stop the rotor blades, and turn the main needle valve clockwise by V& turn to the lean position. Hermes Kelly Price List. Pretend the top of the deck 1*3 a hot stove top that can be touched for only a split second But that is sufficient for the cards under the break to be added onto the deck. The spectator is asked to note the card, show it to everyone except you, and place it off to one side, under the card case. Hermes Kelly Price List. The culling of the card under the spread is executed as you open the spread again slightly and look up.

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