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This break is immediately transferred to the right thumb and the shuffle is begun It is now a simple matter to glimpse the bottom card during the shuffle, then shuffle off to it, letting it fall last on top of the left hand’s cards. Hermes Replica Travel Bag. As soon as the left fingers are masked, insert the outer phalanges of the little, ring and middle fingers into the break. Ill tills description, I have especially stressed timing: emphasized and unempltasized moments, separated by pauses. Hermes Replica Travel Bag. This illustration shows the same situation displayed in the preceding illustration, ? but from the performer’s view. I will describe here several ways to complete the flourish or amplify its effect Ribbon spread the cards face down from left to right and, with the tips of your left fingers, raise the left side of the bottom card of the spread until this card reaches a vertical position, its right side still in contact with the table. Hermes Replica Travel Bag. When the card is placed on the table, it should not be done with a noisy click or snap, but with a gentle firmness.

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