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Please place this packet on top of the packet on your right [Packet A], hopelessly burying the second card you looked at in the deck. Hermes Stores In Israel Online. Keep in mind that you never lift, the left thumb during or after the exchange, as doing so would raise suspicions of a switch in the minds of observant spectators. To widen the break without increasing and possibly exposing the pressure of the left index finger, use your left little finger to press the bottom card downward along its right side. Hermes Stores In Israel Online. Hold the deck in left-hand straddle dealing position With the right liand take it in end grip, lift it about four inches above the left palm, then bring it back down. Take the deck from the left hand into the right hand, holding it with your fingers straddling the outer end, and the thumb on the inner end, as shown in the illustration. Hermes Stores In Israel Online. If the key card is not at the very end of the spread, you can claim tiiat you didn’t have time to memorize the last few cards, but you’ll take a chance that the chosen card is not among them.

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