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The Reverse One-hmkd Fan Tliis is a so-called “reverse” fan, in which the blank non-index comers of the cards are visible. Hermes Wallets Cheap. In a "tip-over," they're likely to suffer only minor damage that doesn't affect their safe use or their overall performance, especially while you're still training. Make a careful study of the following suggestions for covering the sleight, so that you can adapt the top cliange to other contexts. Hermes Wallets Cheap. As soon as the spectator lias named the selection, reach into your pocket and remove the signed card. At the same time, curl the left index finger over the outer end of the deck, so that its pad contacts the back of the top card (an Ace). Hermes Wallets Cheap. A trick useful for learning the classic force is “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son”, page 101.

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